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Trenchless Sewer Line Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Damage to your sewer line can be a nightmare, especially if the line is leaking or causing a mess in your yard or home. Not to mention that sewer line repairs often require digging in your yard or even under your driveway and sidewalks, leaving an even bigger mess that you’ll have to clean up. But what if you could repair your sewer line or even replace it completely without disrupting your yard? Doesn’t that sound great? That’s possible with trenchless sewer line repairs and replacements provided by Los Angeles’ New Generation Plumbing. Our team of plumbing experts is here to effortlessly repair your sewer line in a quick, easy process. Call us today to schedule an inspection at your home.

drain pipe inside sewer

The Difference Between Traditional & Trenchless Sewer Repair

Traditional sewer line repair takes place at the source. Technicians must dig a trench to locate the problem in your line and fix it before replacing the dirt. With trenchless sewer line repair, Los Angeles residents can forget about torn-up yards, cracked driveways, or busted parking lots. It requires no digging at all. Instead, our experts use a specialized system with a small camera, inserting it into the sewer line for a closer look at the inner walls of the pipe. Utilizing the live footage from the camera, a technician is able to find the source of the problem in the sewer line.

After the problem is identified, we’ll know the right way to fix it. We can even replace entire lines using a process called pipe-bursting, in which a new pipe is pulled through the old one, eventually causing it to burst to make room for the replacement.

Which Method Is Right for Your Sewer Problem?

Signs indicating it may be time for a sewer line repair or replacement at your Los Angeles-area home include sluggish drains, sewage backups, wet spots in your yard, or the smell of raw sewage. Trenchless sewer repair makes the entire process of fixing sewer lines much easier. It is faster, causes less damage to yards and property, and it is often more affordable than traditional sewer repair. For many instances, trenchless sewer line repair is the obvious choice. However, this repair process is not always possible in every case. Our team will assess whether we can use this method for your specific problem, and if we can’t, we’ll have to use the traditional method. But don’t worry; it will work as quickly and with as little disruption as possible. Call New Generation Plumbing today to schedule an assessment of your system.

Let New Generation Plumbing Help You!